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售價:1650 |
搜尋參考資料: 1. www.pandora.com Pandora is free, personalized radio that plays music you'll love. Discover new music and enjoy old favorites. Start with your favorite artist, song or ... www.pandora.net Explore PANDORA's silver, gold & diamond jewellery. Celebrate your unforgettable moments with bracelets, charms, rings, necklaces & earrings. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandora In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first human woman created by the gods, specifically by Hephaestus and Athena on the instructions of Zeus. As Hesiod ... pandora.nla.gov.au PANDORA is a digital archive dedicated to the preservation of and long term access to Australian online electronic publications of national significance www.pcpandora.com Pandora Corp. Software to monitor, control and protect their families and themselves online. 【Pandora】粉紅塘瓷泰迪熊,飾品配件,精品服飾配件,精品配飾,精品珠寶 |
進口國:丹麥原裝進口 產地:泰國 材質:925純銀、法瑯 尺寸:0.7*1.2cm 配件:Pandora原廠收藏盒、拭銀布 商品皆為丹麥平行輸入進口,報關文件及完稅證明齊全,歡迎來電索取!惟丹麥當地購買皆無附購買證明小卡,請留意!進口時,沒有隨附原廠紙袋,恕無法提供,謝謝。Pandora潘朵拉因全球保修,可至專櫃維修。 |
資料來源:momo購物網 |